Being An Immigrant In Natick
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Online Forum (Zoom)
Join community partners Natick is United and the Natick Welcoming Immigration Policy Coalition on Wednesday, October 30 via Zoom for a forum on Being an Immigrant in Natick. We will explore how we can be a supportive community for our neighbors.
At the end of the panel presentation webinar participants will have:
1. A shared understanding of immigration and related concepts
2. Heard from immigrant(s) living in Natick, their challenges and contributions
3. A better understanding of the immigrant presence in our community and schools
4. Understood the rationale for a welcoming immigration policy in Natick
5. A shared understanding on immigration’s complexities and challenges
Click here to register.
Hosted by Natick Is United