Connection and caring are emotional basic needs.

Together we can make sure no one feels alone, bullied, unsupported, or unconnected—
every day and especially in the most challenging times.

A core principle of our work is that “kindness without justice is incomplete.” Our organization is committed to the work of kindness and justice and the core values of diversity, equity, belonging, community connection, inclusion, and accessibility. This work is an ongoing journey for our organization and we welcome your feedback and contributions. (Coming Soon) Below will be a selection of resources from our organizational work in this area.

Please contact our Access Coordinator, Christine Guthery, at at any time with any accessibility needs, questions, or suggestions or to learn more about involvement opportunities.

Our Programs

Our Mission

“To build a kind, resilient and welcoming community where no one feels alone, bullied, unsupported or unconnected. We support families, schools, organizations, coaches, artists, faith and community leaders in building a culture that empowers youth and promotes kindness and respect.”

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